
Mostrando entradas de 2018


In my experience blogging in this class, I'have liked write this blogs, because most of the subject are interesting, and is a good way of learning  to let go of the hand, because is necessary. I would like the blogs could be done at home, so we would have more time in class for talk about the topics maybe, and with this also we would practice more spoken English. But in general for my it was a learning experience, it have helped me to know more words and step up my grammar. How I say before, I would like that the blogs are not in all class time because it fells boring after a while, and for energize the classes we could see short movies of the topic and after comment, of thing like that. Or also we can comment a blog of a student. This is necessary in my opinion because when the class becomes boring is so demotivating, and do not feel like going to classes or participating. I hope this opinion serve, for the students that after will in this subject, to help impro...

My favorite place to go on vacations

In this last blog, Im going to talk about my favorite place to go on vacations, in fact isn't my favorite, because I've never gone, but is my destination for this summer: Bolivia. We choose this place because the las summer we gone tu the South of Chile, and for this time we wanted to know the other side of the map. Bolivia is chraracterised by the beautiful landscapes, like the "Salar de Uyuni", that in certain hour it can look like a mirror. And much of its territory is is composed by the amasonic jungle, so there are a great variety of flora and fauna, it's usual see monkeys in the street, and the mosquitoes are everywhere. Also, in February does de Carnival of Oruro, where many people enjoy the music and shows in all the towns of the country, Specially in the town of Oruro. This event its great for pass a great time and know new people, and also to know the culture of the place. Me and my friends hope we can go and meet many incredible places there, and...

Michel Foucault for Social Work

Hi, today Im going to talk about an expert or exponent of my career, the Social Work. In my opinion, an exponent very important for Social Work is the philosopher and social theorist Michel Foucault that was born in 1926, France. because your ideas contributed for the understanding of the contemporary society, for example the idea of the power like a device that is connected with all the ambits and actors of society. Other important contribution is the importance of the criticism in the social intervention. This exponent is one of the important theorist of the Postestructural perspective inside the profession, that is emerging. Foucault has so many studies of the functioning of the jails, the construction of sexuality and other interesting topics. This perspective is my favorite because it makes think about how the society has been built under different power systems, like the machism and the capitalism, therefore your ideas propose a better society more egalitarian and free,...

The contemporary family

Nowadays, the family concept is assorted, in comparation with the concept of tradicional family of the occidental culture, the contemporary family don't have the strict rules about the structure of its, an clare example of this is the role of the mother are not anymore the responsible for the child, but with all the members of family are responsible for that, Nevertheless this isn't mean that be in all families, is just the concept that is changed, and it is thanks to the social movements, cause a culture change. Follow the example, the feminist movements helped for the redistribution of the roles in Family. The family is an institution that reproduce a particular form of life. so we have to much express thanks to the social movements, because  thanks for they we can live without all the stereotypes. Even if at present are a lot of people that still thinking  the strict roles are correct. In my case, my family and me are always trying to knock down the stereotypes of all the...

A photograph I like

This photograph was taken with a timer, we put the cell phone in a rock so that we all were in the picture. We can see in the photograph my friends of the University that I love so much, and behind we can see the beautiful twilight on the beach. In the moment of the photograph we were enjoying the beach, because we went to visit a friend that lives in Santo Domingo with her parents. The place was named "Las rocas" because there were so many big rocks to climb, and we have luck because the sky was so beautiful. This was a really good day, because we rested all afternoon, we enjoyed the sound of the sea, we talked a lot about life and at night we played funny games and drank beer. This is one of my favorite phtographys because it make me remember really lovely moments with my friends, and it reminds me that simple things make the life more beautiful.

My special day

An important date for me is February 8th, because this day I went to backpacking for the south of Chile with my sister Valentina and my friend Anaís. This travel was amasing because we knew a lot of beautiful places like Isla Teja island located in Valdivia, where we camped for around one week. Also we went to Frutillar and we swam in the Villarrica lake, and finally we knew many places in the Chiloe island. Also, we have the good luck of met a lot  nice people, because all of them was so friendly and emphatic, they help with the indications and the recommendation of cheap places, etc. And also we knew some people that we talk until today. Finally, this trip helped us for strengthen ties with my sister and friend. This was a unforgettable experience, because also met incredible places, we met a lot of beautiful people, and is for that I will remember this date for all de years.

My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology , or rather the piece I use the most, is my cell phone, because I can do a lot of things like talk with friends, be informed with the things of university,  find any thing I want with the internet, and also lisen music and take pictures. Since child I wanted a cell phone, but I got it when I was around twelve, because my mom said me that that pieces are for adults. That cellphone didn't have internet, it only served for call and send SMS, but I loved. I have had many cell phones until now, many of them broke or spoiled, however the last I have still existing.  I use my cell phone almost all the time when I'm home, and it dont like so much, because is lost time, I could be doing other things more productive, Nevertheless, out of home dont use too much my cell phone, and I aprecciate it, because I dont like so much depend for the technologic pieces 

About my career

When I was a child, my dream job was be a Vet, because I love animals, and help them produce me happiness. But over the years, I started to realize what I really want (not literally, because I chose my career at the last moment). I started to look the world with other eyes, that made me see the injustices and inequality of the world. And I wanted to understand why this things happen, that is why I decide for anthropology, for study the Human and his Culture. Few days before the PSU test, I went to a university fair, where I got so much information about the Social Sciences, so I chose Social Work for second option, because sound good and innovator.  However after do the PSU, I didn't stay in my first option, but with the Social Work career. But I have liked to much  in spite of be the second option, I like so much the critic perspective and Im so exited to know the Nucleus of Investigation. I would like work with the social organizations.

My autobiography

My name is Daniela Paz Parra.  i was born in October 17th 1998, . I was born and grew up in Santiago, specifically on the  district  of La Florida and Puente Alto, I´ve lived all my life there. My school was named Colegio Nueva Era Siglo XXI, i was there since Kinder until fourth grade. A bout my family, I live with my mother, my brother and my sister, also I have four pets. After ends the school, I join to University, the last Year. I choose the career of Social Work, I liked until now, because the career have some interesting themes for me, like the ambient impact. About my interest and hobbies, i like do trekking, and meet new places, I like so much the nature, and gardening.